Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sliced Baked Potatoes


medium potatoes
melted butter (1 TBSP for every one or two potatoes)
grated cheddar cheese
parmesan sprinkle cheese
dried herbs like parsley or basil

*If peels are tough then peel your potatoes, otherwise just scrub and rinse them.

*Cut potatoes into thin slices (like 1/8" or 1/4" but no thicker), but NOT all the way through.  use the handle of a wooden spoon or lay a butter knife etc up against your potato as you cut so that it prevents you from cutting all the way through.  Try to cut with slow controlled movement but don't freak out if you accidentally cut the end off your potato!  This is very tiring on the hand if you are not used to it or have trouble with your hands.

*Put potatoes on a sprayed cookie sheet or baking dish.  Fan them a bit so the slices are open a bit where possible.

*Drizzle with melted butter..getting it between the layers a bit.  Do it slowly so you don't end up with it only on the pan.

*Sprinkle with a little salt (don't overdo), and your herbs.

*Bake potatoes at 425' for about 50 minutes.

*Remove from oven.  Sprinkle with parmesan and then with the grated cheddar.  Bake for another 10-15 minutes until lightly browned and cheese is melted.  Check with a fork to make sure potatoes are done inside (sometimes I remove a slice to see if it is soft enough...after a few times of making it you'll get the hang of it better and have more of an idea of just how much cheese etc you want on them.)

These take patience to cut and wear out your hands but they look great and are fun to serve!

**I found this recipe in my stack of 'Great American Recipes' cards.


  1. it looks so yummy. i will have to make it when we get paid so i can get the stuff to make it.

  2. They are pretty frugal so once you have some cheese on hand you can pretty much make them anytime.



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