Thursday, April 28, 2011


Here is another favorite of ours...I don't know where it came from.  A fellow low-carber gave it to me years ago.  You can use sugar or make it sugar free as we do.   It can have a crust or nut topping but can also be left plain.  Best made the day before so it has time to fully set.  Read through the directions thoroughly before beginning.

Potato Casserole

This is our recipe for Potato Casserole which we got from Wes' side of the family. We've been making it many years now, for our Resurrection Day meal, usually having it with ham. You can do a lot with it though..serving it with other meats like ribs or steak etc or you can dice up meat into it for a one dish meal. I like to triple the recipe for our clan of seven so that we can enjoy it for a few days. Tastes great cold the next day too! :)

Candy Bird Nests

This Spring the kids and I made those candy 'bird nests'. Kind of like rice krispy treats only cute. It is a slow process but easy and takes only a few ingredients. I found this recipe somewhere online. You can use just half the ingredients if you only want one pan. I liked that these were not sickeningly sweet. Some recipes use other things for nest material.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Have you seen the Wheat Belly FLAX WRAP recipe? I think the original version had more flax but whatever the case, I'm really thril...