Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Signs of Life: Garden Update

    We've had a lot more sun these days with some intermittent rain so things are growing like crazy!  Check out our new arrivals :)  Pictured above is the first appearance of what I hope will end up as pickles!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Garden Challenge Update

As you know, I joined Olivia's Garden Challenge and it has been great to see what other's are doing and be able to get feedback from them as well.  Be sure to head on over there and see all the bounty!  Praying for poor Olivia would be a good idea as well since she got poison ivy on her eye! UGH!

Now that we are getting some hotter days things are really starting to grow around here.  We had a couple days of lots of rain (amazing how fast something grows in just one day after a rain) and then a lot of sun.


Have you seen the Wheat Belly FLAX WRAP recipe? I think the original version had more flax but whatever the case, I'm really thril...