As you know, I joined Olivia's Garden Challenge and it has been great to see what other's are doing and be able to get feedback from them as well. Be sure to head on over there and see all the bounty! Praying for poor Olivia would be a good idea as well since she got poison ivy on her eye! UGH!
Now that we are getting some hotter days things are really starting to grow around here. We had a couple days of lots of rain (amazing how fast something grows in just one day after a rain) and then a lot of sun.
I pinched off the top shoots of our basil (left) so that it would be bushier. They have suddenly grown quite a bit.
The Nasturtium (right) was planted directly outside from seed. They always do so much better if we can start them outside.
After a couple of squash plant deaths (by slug) the remaining ones are starting to get big and as you can see here we even have some yellow squash starting to grow! The tomato plant on the right is kind of a sickly yellow because we bought three more recently that were on sale for really cheap. They should green up after some miracle grow and sunshine.
Here you have the surviving seedlings from the seeds we planted indoor under the bad light. They should be much bigger but are only about 2" tall! So much for my peppers this year. Thankfully, I still have some in my freezer. Not nearly as vital to us as the tomatoes! It will be interesting though, to see if these little guys get big enough, fast enough, to actually produce fruit.
Joshua showing the pickling cucumber grown on that net we set up. It might be rather hard to see but the yellow pear tomato in front is doing quite well too.
And now for a little therapy!
Thanks for stopping by :)
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